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First-Year Experience: Home

This guide was developed for students that's enrolled in the First-Year Experience course. However, it can be used by anyone looking to improve their information-seeking skills.

First-Year Experience

(FYE) is structured around four areas of growth: Academic Growth, Personal Growth, Professional Growth, and Community Growth.


First Year Experience

First-Year Experience


By the end of the two-course sequence, student will be able to:

  • Identify, employ, and reflect on the use of academic tools and strategies and their contribution to academic success goals.
  • identify personal and career goals to create an academic and professional growth plan.
  • Demonstrate knowledge on WSSU's history, traditions, and cultural context and appraise the value of curricular and extra-curricular activities within that framework.
  • Identify and explore methods related to health and wellness, financial literacy, and self-advocacy and formulate a plan for each.