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Master of Healthcare Administration

Library Overview

From the Library Homepage, you can gain access to recommended databases and resources through the Electronic Resources List or through subject specific research guides.

If a databases consists mainly of citations and abstracts, like PubMed, the "Search Full Text @ WSSU" button allows you to search for the full text for an article in our other databases. Important: Make sure to access databases through the library's homepage to ensure it links to our full range of resources.

If we do not appear to own the article you are trying to access, you can request the article via Inter-Library Loan (ILL).

When trying to access our resources off campus, once your select on a database or resource, it will prompt you to log into our Proxy. The username is the first part of your email before the @, and the password is the same as your email password.

For access specific issues, contact Ian Hertz,, 336-750-2532.

Health Databases

Leadership Research & Resources

ACHE Research

Business Databases
