The general form for CMS Author-Date in-text citation is (Author Last Name Year of Publication, Page Number). Here are some examples of what they would look like:
For one author:
(Brown 2013, 167)
For two or three authors:
(Mitchell and Evans 2017, 31)
For four or more authors:
(Doe et al. 2016, 85)
Authors with the same last name, use first initials:
(M. Mitchell 2016)
(A. Mitchell 2016)
Author with multiple works in the same year:
(Davis 2015a)
(Davis 2015b)
To cite specific pages (such as when you are quoting or paraphrasing a specific part):
(Johnson 2014, 34-45)
To cite more than one source:
(Jones 2013; Williams 2015)
Interview |
Format: Interviewee Last Name, Interviewee First Name. Publication Year. "Title of Interview." Interview by Interviewer First Name Last Name. Publication Title, Date of Publication. Bibliography Entry: Stamper, Kory. 2017. "From 'F-Bomb' to 'Photobomb,' How the Dictionary Keeps up with English." Interview by Terry Gross. Fresh Air, NPR, April 19, 2017. Audio, 35:25. In-Text Citation: (Stamper 2017) |
Thesis or Dissertation |
Format: Last Name, First Name. Publication Year. "Title of Thesis/Dissertation." PhD diss., University of Chicago. Bibliography Entry: Rutz, Cynthia Lillian. 2013. "King Lear and Its Folktale Analogues." PhD diss., University of Chicago. In-Text Citation: (Rutz 2013, 99-100) |
Website |
Format: Author. Publication Date. "Title of Webpage." Website Name. Last modified Date. URL. Bibliography Entry: Google. 2017. "Privacy Policy." Privacy & Terms. Last modified April 17, 2017. In-Text Citation: (Google 2017) |
Social Media Content |
Format: Author. Publication Year. "160 Characters of the Post." Social Media Outlet, Date. URL. Bibliography Entry: Chicago Manual of Style. 2015. "Is the world ready for singular they? We thought so back in 1993." Facebook, April 17, 2015. In-Text Citation: (Chicago Manual of Style 2015) |