The following are different ways you can format your in-text citations:
Author’s name in text (page number):
According to Cuno, “for years, archaeologists have lobbied for national and international laws, treaties, and conventions to prohibit the international movement of antiquities” (1).
Author’s name in reference (page number):
The argument runs that, “the term 'Czechoslovak' had become a rich source of contention almost immediately after the state's formation” (Innes 16).
No known author:
A similar study was done of students learning to format a research paper ("MLA In-Text Citations").
Note: Use an abbreviated version of the title of the page in quotation marks to substitute for the name of the author
Citing authors with same last names, provide the first initial:
Although some medical ethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 12), others note that the advantages for medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller 46).
Author’s name in text (no page number):
Cassell and Jenkins compared reaction times. . . .
Author’s name in reference (no page number):
In a recent study of reaction times (Cassell & Jenkins). . .
Note: If the source does not have page numbers, but explicitly labels its paragraphs or sections, you can give that number instead with the appropriate abbreviation. For example, (Lee, par. 2). When a source has no page number or not other kind of numbering, do not give a page number in the parathesis. Do not count paragraphs if they are not numbered.
Entire Website |
Format: Author Last name, First name Middle name or initial. Title of Website. Publisher (if applicable), Date of Creation, Location (URL). Date of Access (if applicable).
Example: The Purdue OWL Family of Sites. The Writing Lab and OWL at Purdue and Purdue U, 2008,
In-Text Citation: (The Purdue OWL) |
Page of a Website |
Format: Author Last name, First name Middle name or initial. “Title of Web page, posting or article.” Title of Website, Publisher (if applicable), Date of Creation, Location (URL). Date of Access.
Example: “A Quick Guide to Reading Shakespeare.” Shakespeare Resource Center, Accessed 18 April 2017.
In-Text Citation: (“A Quick Guide”) |
Comment on a Website or Online Article |
Format: Author Last name, First name Middle name or initial (or Username). Comment on “Title of Web page, posting or article.” Title of Website, Publisher (if applicable), Publication Date (Day Month Year), Time of Comment, Location (URL). Date of Access.
Example: Bogaerts, Xander. Comment on “Editorial: How the ‘Family Values Legislature’ is Destroying Families.” WRAL, 18 April 2017, 1:06 p.m., Accessed 18 April 2017.
In-Text Citation: (Bogaerts) |
YouTube Video |
Format: Creator's Last name, First name Middle name or initial (or Username). “Title of Film or Video.” Title of Website, uploaded by First name Last name, Publication Date (Day Month Year), Location (URL).
Example: “What is Health Equity?” YouTube, uploaded by Health Equity Institute, 2 Dec. 2014,
Note: If the author is the same as the uploader, only cite the "uploaded by" part. If they are different, put the author's name in front of the title. In-Text Citation: (Health Equity Institute) |
Tweet from Twitter |
Format: Twitter Handle. “Tweet in its entirety.” Title of Website, Publication Date (Day Month Year), Publication Time, Location (URL).
Example: @Forbes. “Sallie Krawcheck on the lack of diversity in Wall Street, why women should invest more and how she wants to make that happen.” Twitter, 18 Apr. 2017, 5:00 p.m.,
In-Text Citation: (Forbes) |
Painting, Sculpture, Photograph |
Format: Artist Last Name, First Name. Title of Artwork. Date of composition, medium, Institution that houses the piece, Location of Institution (if not in name of Institution).
Example: Biggers, John. Ascension. 1992, acrylic on canvas, Winston-Salem State University.
In-Text Citation: (Biggers) |
Song or Album |
Format: Artist’s Name. “Song Title.” Album Title, Record Label, Release Date, Database, Location (URL).
Example: Disclosure. “Second Chance.” Settle, Universal Island Records, 2013, Spotify,
In-Text Citation: (Disclosure) |
Film or Movie |
Format: Title of Film. Directed by Director First Name Last Name, performances by Actor First Name Last Name, Film Studio or Distributor, Year. Note: With films, you if you want to highlight certain persons involved (such as the director or performer), you can list them before the title as an author. Only include people who are important and relevant.
Example: Fight Club. Directed by David Fincher, performances by Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 1999. Fincher, David, director. Fight Club. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 1999.
In-Text Citation: (Fight Club) (Fincher) |